This country is headed down a very dismal path in terms of our health and fitness levels. Some can argue in other areas as well, but I will stay on topic here.
Below is a map of Adult Obesity Rates in the year 2011.
If the obesity rates continue to climb at the same pace, this is where we will be in the year 2030.
This is appalling. This trend can hurt this nation in more ways than one can imagine. It is no secret, obese parents pass down bad habits to their children. So in essence we are committing the youth and future generations to fat and unhealthy future.
It is common sense. If you are obese and unhealthy you also cannot function at your highest capacity. This in turn leads to poor performance at work and other aspects of life. Healthy body = Healthy mind. Is this the reason our minds are slipping away from us ? I believe so. When you put crap into your body, your get crap out.When you eat healthy and exercise, your feel great.
With that being said really ponder the following questions….
1. who would make a better worker ? A person who always feel sluggish and tired, or someone who is healthy and feels great ?
2. who would make a better and more active parent ? A person who always feel sluggish and tired, or someone who is healthy and feels great ?
3. who would make a better business owner and operator ? A person who always feel sluggish and tired, or someone who is healthy and feels great ?
4. who would make a better and more productive student ? A person who always feel sluggish and tired, or someone who is healthy and feels great ?
You can ask and apply this question to everything, YET NO ONE DOES.
Don’t know how to say this any clearer than this….. AMERICA… OPEN YOUR FUCK’IN EYES !
I am also certain that if we would place more emphasis on health and fitness we would be able to drastically reduce our growing dependence on pharmaceutical drugs to “cure” all our “ailments”.
Is it only a coincidence that both obesity rates and prescription drugs use are both soaring ? Doubt it.
It is estimated that by 2030 medical costs associated with preventable obesity related diseases will increase by $66 billion per year. Current estimates range from $147-210 billion per year in medical costs. In addition, estimates range from $390-$580 billion in lost economic productivity per year due to obesity. Its expensive being obese.
Its time to break the mold and do what is hard, yet necessary. Its time to stop making excuses and take responsibility for our actions. It’s time to look in the mirror and know that things have to change, not only for the improvement of our lives, but for the sake of the future generation. Make a real effort before you commit to all the meds and short cuts. You only get one body in this lifetime, you better take care of it.
Couldn’t of said it better myself.
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